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BlogSafer: Speak Freely and Stay Free


Across the globe, countries that discourage free speech have followed their citizens into the blogosphere. According to one count, in the last two years at least 30 bloggers (and there are no doubt more) have been interrogated, arrested, tortured and sentenced to long prison terms for the "crime" of speaking critically about their governments. Regardless of your culture, your country, your politics or religion, we believe you deserve to speak your mind without falling afoul of state power. Unfortunately, what you deserve and what you get are not always the same thing. So, for those of you who wish to speak out on your blogs, but who do not wish to risk imprisonment or worse for doing so, we have prepared guides that will help you to blog more safely by blogging more anonymously.


But please note: Blogging can never be completely anonymous. With enough time, resources and political will, a group or government can discover who you are. We cannot guarantee that even if you follow the instructions on these guides to the letter that you will run no risk. You always take a chance when you speak your mind to people who cannot tolerate dissent. But we hope that these guides will enable you to minimize those risks, or at least be more aware of them.


Please think of what we've done here as a starting point. We encourage you to expand, update and edit the existing guides. If your country, area or language is not represented, we hope you will take advantage of the resources we have provided and build your own anonymous blogging guides. Above all, as you help to develop this resource, we wish you to stay safe and free and speaking to the world as your conscience dictates.


A wiki is a web site that anyone can make changes to and all previous versions are permanently viewable in an archive. For a variety of reasons, we have changed the password. If you would like to make changes to this wiki, just email the administrator at committeetoprotectbloggers at gmail.com.




This wiki is a Spirit of America project. Donations to support it are much appreciated. Click here to make a donation.



The wiki contains the following targeted anonymous blogging guides:


Saudia Arabia (in Arabic); also useful for bloggers in other Arabic-speaking countries that limit free speech. The live, editable version is here ArabicAnonymousBloggingGuide. Download Word version of Arabic Anonymous Blogging Guide here.


Iran (in Persian). The live, editable version is here: IranAnonymousBloggingGuide. Download Word version of Iran Anonymous Blogging Guide here.


China (in Chinese). The live, editable version is here: ChineseAnonymousBloggingGuide. Download Word version of Chinese Anonymous Blogging Guide here. Due to PBwiki being blocked in China, we have co-located the Chinese guide here: http://chnblggr.wikispaces.com/. Please let anyone in China know.


Malaysia (in English); also useful for bloggers in Indonesia and Singapore. The live, editable version is here: MalaysiaAnonymousBloggingGuide. Download Word version of Malaysia Anonymous Blogging Guide here.


Zimbabwe (in English); also useful for English-speaking bloggers in other African countries. The live, editable version is here: ZimbabweAnonymousBloggingGuide. Download Word version of Zimbabwe Anonymous Blogging Guide here.


Resources: See also the page of related Resources.


Credits: See who's responsible on our CreditsPage.


Comment and discuss: AnonymousBloggingApologia page.



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By RSS feed at http://feeds.feedburner.com/Anoniblog


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While we cannot guarantee the security of any email addresses entered here, we hope that some people will subscribe to changes and help tend to this wiki over time.



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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license, click this link or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.





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