

Page history last edited by (account deleted) 17 years, 7 months ago

This wiki and the guides on it are the fruits of Spirit of America's Anonymous Blogging Campaign.


The project was managed by Curt Hopkins of the Committee to Protect Bloggers.


The technical consultant was Marshall Kirkpatrick.


The Arabic translation was donated by The Tharwa Project. (The English version of their site is here.) We appreciate their help. The Persian guide was translated by A.J. and the Chinese by Oregon's own W.S. Primezero Labs provided us with a few lines as well. Countless people were good enough to read over these translations, though needless to say any problems in the guides are not their fault. And thanks to everyone who reviewed the translations and the technical materials.


These guides were designed as a practical synthesis of available materials on anonymization. Among our many sources were Global Voices Online's Technical guide to anonymous blogging, the Electronic Frontier Foundation's How To Blog Safely and the filtering case studies of the OpenNet Initiative. An exhaustive listing would fill pages.


Additional information came from the news media, academic and techincal studies, and, most importantly, individual bloggers. These included bloggers with an interest in the target areas who work outside of them, bloggers who work on online free speech issues in general and, above all, those bloggers working in countries that discourage or punish free speech. They are the source of this project and to them goes the lion's share of the credit. Due to both the great number of bloggers whose work we drew on, as well as the danger that some of them work in, we cannot list them individually here.


Related projects and sites include:

Committee to Protect Bloggers


Enough is Enough

Morpheme Tales

Marshall Kirkpatrick


Contact: chopkins4145 at charter dot net.





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